Telephone Calls
Although Coronavirus infections continue to be a risk most of our population will have some protection now to the infection. The virus continues to mutate and new variants may still pose health risks. However we are now returning to a more normal service and the majority of our consultations are now in person face to face. We still request that you make an appointment via the telephone and you will be signposted for an appointment to the most appropriate member of our clinical team. The receptionist may ask you about your problem so that you can be directed to the most appropriate person and in the most appropriate manner though you may specify a clinician of your choice if you have been requested to call back. Confidentiality will be maintained by our team at all times.
You can book an appointment for a telephone consultation via our Reception on 0141 883 8887.

Making an Appointment
Surgery Consultations
The surgery is opened from 09:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 18:00 Monday to Friday. During the Coronavirus pandemic we had to restrict access - this has changed and face to face consultations can be organised after a telephone consultation.
All consultations are by appointment (15 minutes duration). As far as possible we strive to provide a “same day” service but we can also offer pre-booked appointments for the convenience of our patients when appropriate.
If you require an urgent appointment please let the receptionist know so that we can arrange for you to be contacted on the same day in one of our "urgent emergency" slots. You will not have a choice of doctor for these appointments.
You may however wish to indicate whether you would prefer a male or female doctor when an urgent appointment is required, though this may not be guaranteed.
House Calls
Housecalls are only made for the seriously ill or seriously disabled who are housebound. For those who are housebound calls must be requested before 10:00 unless an unexpected emergency arises.
We wish to provide all of our patients with a good service but we can only do this if housecall requests are for the most seriously ill or housebound.
Dr Graham, Dr Watson, Dr Balmer, Dr. Hazell and Dr McMillan will try to see patients who are seriously unwell on the same day (especially babies and children and the frail elderly).
If our patients use the service well it will improve for the benefit of everyone.
Video Consultations
We have a limited facility for video consultations which can be arranged by telephoning our reception staff – after making an appointment you can access this service via a mobile smart phone or in some cases via computer by typing in
completing your name date of birth and contact telephone number. This will then be flagged up on our system and a doctor will be available to conduct a video consultation (essentially an encrypted Skype/Facetime video consultation)
Patients can also contact the surgery by email.
General Enquiries
These email boxes are accessed twice daily.
Emergency (Out Of Hours)
Emergency Appointments and house visits after 18:00 weekdays and weekends/public holidays will be dealt with by NHS 24.
The contact telephone number is as follows: 111.
The NHS 24 website address is
Cancellations/Keeping Appointments
Please do not waste appointments. Other patients can use a cancellation so please cancel as soon as you know you can’t attend.
In rare occasions there may be an emergency that prevents this from happening however patients who consistently continue to waste appointments by booking and not cancelling will be removed from our list. It is selfish and discourteous and can deprive others of receiving more prompt medical attention. If you are unable to keep your appointment for any reason PLEASE let us know as early as possible so that we can reallocate the time to another person.
Change of Address / Telephone Numbers
Please tell us if you change your name, address, email, mobile or landline telephone number.
This information is essential to enable us to keep your information as up-to-date as possible on our computer system. It will also assist in communications with you for the provision of our newsletters, blogs or essential clinical personal information as well as a contact point in an emergency.
Please also note that if your new address falls outside of our catchment area, you will need to register with a new GP and we will be contacting you regarding this matter.
Patients with Particular Needs
Disabled Access: Our surgery is accessible to patients using a wheelchair. We also have 2 parking spaces outside which are reserved for patients displaying a disabled sticker.
Non English Speakers: Interpretation and translation services can be arranged for patients who do not speak English. Please let us know if you need this service when booking an appointment.
Online Appointments
Awaiting Update
You can however use our enquiries line for information
Accessing Our Services
First contact will normally be by telephone to direct you to accessing our services 0141 883 8887
Surgery Attendance at Crookston Medical Centre
We have installed new Perspex screens for our reception area for the benefit of our staff, visitors and for patients who have to attend the practice
Wherever possible prescription requests will be handled as normal BUT the prescriptions will be passed to a pharmacy of your choice to minimise unnecessary surgery attendance. Please assist with this request. There is more information on our Prescription Page.