Training Practice
Our practice is a training practice involved in the training of General Practitioners.
The doctors are in Foundation Year 2 (FY2) or in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of Specialist Training (ST1 to ST3). They are fully qualified doctors often with extensive hospital experience who are now training in the speciality of General Practice. These are the same grades of doctors you will encounter in hospitals, either in outpatient clinics, on the ward or in A & E.
ST3s work in the Practice for periods of 6 – 12 months and ST1s work in the Practice for 6 months. It is hoped that both GPs and patients benefit from the ST3 and ST1s’ fresh and enthusiastic approach and preceding hospital experience. They will have a limited clinical commitment and their work will be closely monitored by the more senior doctors in the practice.

Video Recording
Occasionally we use a video camera to record consultations with the Registrar. This would not be done without your full consent and the video would only be the conversation between you and the doctor. No intimate examination will be done in front of the camera.
If you are asked to participate in the use of the video and agree to do so, you will be asked to sign a consent form and the doctor will explain this to you in more detail. We are very grateful to those patients who allow video taping of consultations, since this helps us to train hospital doctors and Specialist Trainees and to improve our service to our patients.
Student Nurses
The practice District Nurse and Health Visitor also supervise more junior nurses and teach students of nursing. In addition the Practice provides work placements for senior school students and prospective medical and nursing students.
You will always be asked for permission in allowing these students to sit in through consultations.