Practice News

8th Nov 2023

21st November

*****Important Patient Notice*****
Please note that on Tuesday 21st November 2023 the practice is undergoing an update to our computer servers. As a result we will have no access to patient records and will be unable to issue routine prescriptions. We will thus unfortunately only be able to see essential emergency appointments on this day. The update is essential to our IT systems and your patience is appreciated for a matter that is out of our control.
5th Mar 2023

Dr. Fraser Gillie

We announce with regret that Dr. Fraser Gillie has decided to leave the Practice at Crookston Medical Centre at the end of December 2022.

He will be greatly missed.

Fraser first joined the Practice as a Foundation Year 2 Doctor back in 2016 before returning as our GP Specialist Trainee finally moving on to join the Practice as a Partner at the completion of his training. He has worked conscientiously throughout his time at the surgery bringing many innovations and improving our online communication system.

Fraser also took a leading role in the delivery of our complex and palliative service at a local Nursing Home building a close relationship with our Nursing Team in the Practice.

As many of our patients will be aware Fraser comes from Kelso in the Scottish Borders and had an active role in rugby football – amply facilitated by his size and powerful physique. Yet he is a gentle giant and provided great care and compassion to a large number of our patients emanating warmth and appreciation from our staff and our attendees.

Everyone at Crookston Medical wish him well in his future career.

15th Oct 2022


Although we have in the past had very few complaints about our clinical service - recently these complaints have increased and most are very trivial - most commonly because of a perception that individuals are "not getting a prescription quickly enough"!

Most of the time there will be a good reason for this - often because a request from a hospital outpatient department is unclear in terms of preparation, dose, frequency of administration or duration of treatment. Furthermore "unscheduled requests" (i.e. not on a repeat medication slip) have mushroomed and now account for around 50 requests per day. These are exceptionally time consuming for our doctors who can really only deal with around 10 of these per hour. 50 requests take up around 5 hours per day of a doctor's time!

Unscheduled prescription enquiries should be emailed through our prescription line with a clear indication on the reason for the request, the medication being requested and the dose and frequency of administration whenever possible. If it is not possible to do this - help is still available through our prescription telephone line.