Stress & Anxiety

Stress & Anxiety
For general anxieties, fears and concerns about CoVid or minor mental health concerns you can contact or
There is some detailed advice and on care assistance for a variety of mental health problems on
A comprehensive list of mental health services is available on
There are also two new digital services available commissioned by the Scottish Government as part of their computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) portfolio. These are:
- "Daylight" for generalised anxiety disorder
For Sleep Disorders and Advice on Sleeping - Go to the "Sleep" Section in "Your Health" on this website
- "Sleepio" for insomnia and sleep disorders
Severe Mental Health Problems
Severe mental health problems are processed by the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and require GP referral. Our local CMHT is based at Rossdale Resource Centre 0141 232 4750.
Alcohol and Substance Misuse
Many mental health issues are linked to alcohol and substance misuse and the Community Addiction Teams located around Glasgow are a very good place to seek advice:
Further links are available under the 'Alcohol' tab in "Your Health" on this website.