Suggestions & Complaints
Want to make a suggestion to the practice?
Suggestions and Feedback
Suggestions or comments are very welcome and should be put in writing and left at the reception (suggestions box at desk).
We are very pleased to have positive feedback and this can be done on Facebook, Google or via our website.
Equally we are very happy for constructive criticism on how our service can be improved.
Click on the link opposite to fill in the online form if you wish to do this.
Want to make a complaint?
We always try to provide the best service possible. However there may be times when you are not satisfied. If you wish to make a complaint, please contact our Practice Manager by telephone or in writing. Leaflets regarding the complaints procedure are available from reception. Your complaint will be dealt with in an objective manner and we will attempt to answer it swiftly and fairly.
You can also email your complaint
In the majority of cases, concerns can be resolved quite easily, however if you feel we have not dealt with the issues you have raised as you would wish you can contact the Complaints Officer, Dykebar Hospital, Paisley, 0141 314 4193 or for further information look at